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Handling 2-Year-Old Tantrums, Big Feelings, & Emotions; Toddler Communication For Parents & Teachers

Updated: Jan 13

A child laying on the floor

Toddler communication. Sort of sounds like an oxymoron, right?!

Two-year olds are all about autonomy and agency! In the beginning of this phase, it might feel like much of the time, your two-year-old is screaming, crying, and throwing tantrums. However, with gentle guidance and lots of patience, you can help your toddler develop emotional competence and an understanding of healthy boundaries while they explore the world around them and develop many new skills.

A collage of social emotional activities and children participating in learning activities that focus on emotions and empathy.

Two-year-olds only have the capacity to feel one emotion at a time, and when that emotion overcomes them, it is all-encompassing. Most tantrums at this age stem from knowing they want something, but not having the ability to communicate their needs or to regulate their emotions when they cannot have what they want.

A rainbow border around communication boards for toddlers that reduce tantrums and teach communication for toddlers.

While tantrums can test the patience of even the most gentle caregiver, it is so important that parents and teachers remember that a tantrum is a developmentally appropriate toddler communication tool, and presents great opportunities to teach emotional regulation and communication.

Teaching children sign language, short songs, and phrases to help during times of frustration, and modeling how we, as adults, process big emotions are all pro-active strategies to help children communicate and cope in healthy ways. While boundary-setting is important, doing so without using shame or punishment will help children know they are safe to express their feelings and that they are loved unconditionally.

A collage of activities for 2-year-olds that include fine and gross motor activities, alphabet learning, sensory play, and cognitive development.

While it may feel like you are not seeing immediate results, the time and effort you put into a gentle approach at this age will pay off tenfold as your toddler grows and develops into an empathetic and emotionally competent child!

Looking for resources that will help improve toddler communication? Check out my Toddler Communication Bundle Resource in my TpT shop! It's super comprehensive and includes routines, visual schedules, communication boards, emotion boards, and more!


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